12 Reasons To Embrace Small Space Living

You’re currently exploring our blog on lifestyle, and you’ve landed on a thought-provoking piece about the joys of small space living. Specifically, we’re diving into 12 compelling reasons to embrace this unique lifestyle. Our own experience with a 1350 sq ft bungalow built in 1993 serves as a testament to the fact that any house can become a home, regardless of its size. It took us having an eye for opportunity to see past the initial limitations and discover the beauty of small space living.

Join us as we explore why this lifestyle is truly worth embracing.

#1 The Price is Right

#1 The Price is Right

To acquire a plot of land near the city, we made some sacrifices on the size of our home. Our cozy bungalow had three bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, and a compact kitchen-dining area that doubled as a living space. The basement was unfinished, and the garage was detached, but these compromises brought the price tag into reach. This was the house’s initial state when we purchased it.

We went on to give it a stunning modern country-style exterior makeover, which you can see in our subsequent post.

#2 Location, Location, Location

#2 Location, Location, Location

Our decision to purchase our current home was heavily influenced by its strategic location. While it’s situated in a rural area, we’re only a five-minute drive away from a town that offers easy access to essentials like grocery stores, schools, and other amenities. Moreover, the closest major city is just a 15-minute drive from our doorstep. In exchange for a slightly smaller home, we were willing to make this compromise, knowing it would greatly simplify our daily lives.

And with two kids now in tow, requiring transportation to various activities and appointments, we can confidently say that our choice has been vindicated.

#3 Outdoor Living

#3 Outdoor Living

When searching for our dream home, we had one primary goal: finding a beautiful property with ample private space. Our ideal abode was situated on 4 acres of lush, treed land, surrounded by a secure fence that cradled a serene pond and a spacious garage/workshop tailored to Mark’s needs. The compact footprint of the house made it all possible, allowing us to enjoy the extra land without breaking the bank.

Perhaps most importantly, this idyllic setting has inspired us to spend more time outdoors, embracing the fresh air and encouraging an active lifestyle.

#4 Maintenance Costs Less

#4 Maintenance Costs Less

When I was in my early twenties, embarking on my first home buying experience, I didn’t give much thought to the long-term expenses that come with homeownership. In fact, it wasn’t until I started crunching numbers and researching the costs of maintaining a property that I realized just how significant these expenses can be. From property taxes to utilities, routine maintenance and repair costs, the financial burden can be substantial.

And what’s more, smaller homes often mean smaller bills – a consideration that may seem obvious in hindsight, but one that wasn’t top of mind for me at the time.

#5 Minimalism is Necessary

#5 Minimalism is Necessary

By necessity, living in a smaller space fosters a minimalist approach to life. I’ve developed the habit of regularly decluttering outgrown items like clothing, toys, and gifts – anything that no longer serves us or brings joy gets donated. The result is a home free from excess clutter, which translates to reduced stress levels and an overall more peaceful atmosphere.

#6 Family First

#6 Family First

What I cherish about our compact living arrangement is the sense of unity it brings to my family. Unlike larger homes where various rooms and spaces can create a sense of disconnection, our intimate setting fosters a feeling of togetherness. The proximity of our bedrooms and living areas creates a cozy atmosphere that encourages us to spend quality time together.

#7 Consider the Environment

#7 Consider the Environment

As the world grapples with the pressing issue of global warming, the concept of minimalism has become increasingly crucial. I had the opportunity to attend the Edmonton Home Renovation Show this year, where I listened intently to HGTV’s Bryan Bauemler’s insightful talk on home ownership. He emphasized the importance of acquiring a modest, yet well-constructed abode and optimizing its efficiency.

I found myself in complete agreement with his sentiments, as it seems that embracing simplicity is one of the most effective ways to reduce our environmental footprint.

#8 Fun Becomes Affordable

#8 Fun Becomes Affordable

By embracing a lifestyle that’s mindful of one’s financial limitations, individuals can enjoy the freedom to allocate their surplus funds towards pursuits that bring them joy and fulfillment. This might include exploring new experiences, taking exciting trips, developing unique hobbies, building an emergency fund, or making smart investments – all without being weighed down by the responsibilities associated with a large home.

#9 Cleaning is a Breeze

#9 Cleaning is a Breeze

As I’ve grown older, my appreciation for the benefits of small space living has only intensified. One significant advantage that’s become increasingly clear is the ease with which it can be kept clean. With fewer bathrooms, compact floor plans, and naturally less clutter to manage, the task of tidying up becomes significantly more manageable.

Furthermore, hiring a professional cleaning service is not only more affordable but also a realistic option for many homeowners, thanks to the reduced square footage – a luxury that’s become especially valuable in our own household.

#10 Downsizing Made Easy

#10 Downsizing Made Easy

The trend of downsizing is gaining momentum, particularly among baby boomers who are opting for smaller, more manageable properties over their larger family homes. While this long-term strategy may be a consideration for many, it’s worth noting that those already residing in smaller, more affordable abodes may not need to worry about relocating as they age. In fact, this could potentially enable an earlier retirement, free from the financial burdens of moving.

#11 Renovations Cost Less

#11 Renovations Cost Less

Renovating a smaller home can be a cost-effective solution, allowing for upgrades that might not be feasible in a larger space. For instance, we were able to install high-quality hardwood flooring and marble countertops, which would have been out of budget if the house had been bigger. This is definitely something to keep in mind when evaluating homes that need renovations.

# 12 Contentment is Key

# 12 Contentment is Key
# 12 Contentment is Key

Learning contentment in small space living is an art that requires self-reflection and a shift in perspective. It’s about recognizing the value of simplicity and embracing the beauty of minimalism. For us, making the decision to downsize was a game-changer – it allowed us to prioritize what truly matters and live more intentionally.

As we navigated this new chapter, we discovered that small space living isn’t just about sacrificing square footage, but about cultivating gratitude for what we already have. It’s a mindset shift that can be applied to all aspects of life. As we look back on our decision, we’re thrilled with the outcome and feel fortunate to be living in a great location. The best part is that this lifestyle has taught us to appreciate the little things and focus on experiences rather than material possessions.

If you’re considering making the leap to small space living or are already enjoying the benefits of downsizing, we’d love to hear your story! Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below.

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